Medical Quiz

Surgical Vocabulary Quiz

A medical term that means “around surgery” or around the time of surgery is:

A. peripan

B. perisurgical

C. perioperative

D. periprocedure

Select your answer:


Cell and Muscle Histology Neurological Disorders Deficiency Diseases Major Internal Organs of the Body The Microbial World Properties of The Hair and Scalp Skeleton Diabetes Pathophysiology Hospital Unit Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Biopsychology - Neuroplasticity and Functional Recovery Physical Circulatory System - Pathway of Blood Diseases of The Body Systems Monoclonal Antibodies

Other quiz:

Parts of Human Body › View

Which organ is responsible for walking?

A. Finger

B. Knee

C. Arm

D. Shoulder

Antimicrobial Pharmacology › View

The patient taking Piperacillin gets their 0600 labs back. Their labs are: Hgb 12.2, Hct 36%, BUN 55, Cr 1.5, GFR 90, AST 20, ALT 30. The nurse should call the physician regarding:

A. Decreasing the medication due to AST/ALT levels.

B. Increasing the medication due to BUN/Cr levels.

C. Increasing the medication due to Hgb levels.

D. Decreasing the medication due to BUN/Cr levels.