Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Which part of the brain helps control our balance and skeletal muscle activity?

A. Cerebrum

B. Brain stem

C. Diencephalon

D. Cerebellum

Select your answer:


Thyroid Gland Vessels Radiation and Health Asexual Reproduction Erythrocyte Disorders Pharmacology History of Healthcare Gaseous Exchange in Humans Immunity in Humans Pulmonary System Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Human Anatomy Medical Nursing Living Organisms & Animal Behaviors

Other quiz:

Health Issues and Concerns › View

Is a hearing-related problem COMMON in CHILDREN because the tube that allows air in the middle ear is not yet fully developed?

A. Cerumen

B. Body Odor

C. Otitis Media

Cell Transport › View

a process where a cell’s membrane folds inward to bring materials into the cell

A. exocytosis

B. active transport

C. endocytosis

D. passive transport