Medical Quiz

Neuron Structure Quiz

Receives information

A. dendrites

B. cell body

C. axon

D. axon terminals

Select your answer:


CABG Surgery SCI CH2-1 Physio Intro Practice Basics of Cardiology Health Related Fitness Counseling: Fact or Myth? Medical Terminology Corona Diabetes Nervous & Endocrine Systems Nervous System Cardiovascular Diseases Pancreas DNA and RNA Structures Major Organs

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Body System › View

what is the function of Respiratory system?

A. Takes in food and digest

B. Takes in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide and water

C. Takes in water

Mutations, Replication, and Cancer › View

DNA replication turns one strand of DNA into two new strands of DNA. What percent of each new strand is the old strand?

A. Half of each new DNA is the old DNA

B. The old strand of DNA was digested, so none

C. The new DNA is entirely made up of the old DNA

D. About every sixth base comes from the old DNA