Medical Quiz

Neurological Disorders Quiz

Select the TRUE statements about the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis

A. Plaques of demyelination, disseminated in time and space, interfere with neuronal transmission

B. The dendrites on the neuron are overstimulated leading to the destruction of the axon.

C. The dopaminergic neurons in the part of the brain called substantia nigra have started to die.

Select your answer:


Trauma Psychiatry Branches of Microbiology Health and Hygiene Serology/Blood Typing EM Spectrum Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Body Defense Factors Affecting Health Obesity Somatotypes Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Infectious Disease and Pathogens The Human Eye Skin

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Organic Compounds, Minerals and Enzymes › View

Carbohydrates are split into three main groups:

A. sugars, salts, vitamins

B. sugars, salts, minerals

C. monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides

D. glucose, monosaccharides, polysaccharides


The limb leads of the ECG should be placed on

A. flat, nonmuscular areas

B. bony prominences.

C. skin prepared with softening lotion.

D. skin that has recently had surgery.