Medical Quiz

Skin Growth Quiz

What layer of skin senses pain?

A. callus

B. epidermis

C. dermis

D. hypodermis

Select your answer:


Body System Interactions Ortho Ward Simulation Mechanical Digestion Pathogens, Disease and Immunity Urinary System Body System Factors Affecting Health Enzymes and Digestion Epidemiology Geriatrics Musculoskeletal - Clinical Genetic Diseases Circulatory & Respiratory Basics of Cardiology Circulatory and Nervous System

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Oronasal Suctioning › View

suction tips with a bulbous head to ensure that no amount of surrounding tissue is damaged during the catheterization process:

A. yankauers

B. latex suction catheters

C. latex free suction catheters

D. none of the above

Molecular Genetics Integrated Science › View

What is this molecule? What does it do?

A. mRNA; carries the message from DNA to the ribosome

B. tRNA; transfers the amino acids to the polypeptide chain

C. rRNA; reads the message from the mRNA