Medical Quiz

Urinary System Quiz

delivers blood to the kidney

A. bladder

B. ureter

C. kidney

D. Renal artery

E. urethra

Select your answer:


Brain and Nervous System Macro and Micro Nutrients Body Systems and Medical Sciences The Chemistry of Microbiology Skel, Musc, Nerv, Circ, Resp Trichology Factors Affecting Health Medical Terminology Prefixes Carbohydrate Metabolism Movement and Locomotion Skin Structure and Growth Brain/Neuron Anatomy Dermatosis Muscle Tissues Limitation of Senses

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What is a ischemic stroke?

A. it occurs when the blood supply is stopped because of a blood clot

B. it occurs when a weakened blood vessel supplying the brain bursts

Cell Structure and Function Concept › View

Describe and diagram the relationship between mitochondria and chloroplast.

A. They are unrelated organelles

B. They are both involved in photosynthesis

C. They work together to produce ATP

D. They are found only in animal cells