Medical Quiz

Respiratory and Circulatory Quiz

These are the major organs of the respiratory system.

A. lungs

B. heart

C. brain

D. liver

Select your answer:


Cell Biology & Biotechnology Mutation & Genetic Engineering Thyroid Dermis Biochemistry Vocabulary DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Sources Of Food Health - Nutrition Special Senses Circulatory, Artery, Vein - basics Circulatory & Respiratory Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Receptors Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Human Organs

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An organism’s appearance is known as its
A. heredity
B. phenotype
C. genotype
D. pedigree

Nerve Injuries in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery › View

What is the most common symptom of lingual nerve injury during dental procedures?

A. Numbness of the lower lip

B. Loss of taste sensation on the anterior two-thirds of the tongue

C. Anesthesia of the tongue

D. Paresthesia of the lower lip