Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

The Black Plague killed about 100 million people in the fourteenth century. The bacteria that caused the plague was carried by fleas on rats and traveled great distances. Which would have most directly limited the spread of the disease?

A. cleaner water sources

B. refrigeration of food and water

C. reduction in the rodent population

D. better medicines to treat infected individuals

Select your answer:


Cardio and Resp Disorders BMI (Body Mass Index) SPED Law-lympics EMR - Trauma The Digestive System Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) EM Spectrum Bacteria Structure Nail Diseases and Disorders Infection Control Integumentary System & Body Directions Vision and Light Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Integumentary System Medical Terminology Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway

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Choose the correct term that means:PERTAINING TO THE MIDDLE

A. Medial

B. Superior, Cephalic

C. Inferior, Caudal

D. Lateral

E. Superficial

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Cells grow check for DNA mistakes during ___.

A. G2 phase

B. M phase

C. G1 phase

D. S phase