Medical Quiz

Pathology Quiz

Steatosis refers to?

A. Hydropic Degeneration

B. Apoptosis

C. Fatty Degeneration

D. Necrosis

Select your answer:


Muscle & Nerve Tissue Immunity and Vaccines Transportation and Excretion Herd Immunity Perioperative Nursing Care Unintentional Injuries CPR Metabolic Sauver Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Proteins, Amino Acids, & Enzymes Excretion in Humans PBS Routine Testing Diseases Viruses and Prions What is Psychology?

Other quiz:

Microbial Growth › View

The stage in population growth with the highest rate of cell division is the

A. stationary phase

B. lag phase

C. exponential phase

D. enlargement phase

Neuroanatomy of CNS › View

Siti has loss of bitter and sour taste. She also unable to swallowing. What nerve that affect Siti’s problem?

A. The Hypoglossal nerve (XII)

B. The Accessory nerve (XI)

C. The Vagus nerve (X)

D. The Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)