Medical Quiz

ESR (RBC sed rate) Quiz

Specimens needs Sodium Citrate tube collection

A. Wintrobe or Modified Westergren

B. true Westergren

Select your answer:


Neurological Disorders Forensic Pathology (Autopsy) Assessment Composition Of Human Blood Human Digestive System Eye and Ear Pulmonary Edema and CHF Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Consciousness and Sleep Cell Reproduction Homeostasis - Vision Correction Muscoskeletal System Hematology & Blood Banking Organisms Biotechnology First Aid Check up

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What is the most common nerve problem of the lower exteremity 

A. Morton’s neuroma

B. tarsal tunnel syndrome

C. severs disease

D. compartment syndrome

Life Processes - Digestion and Respiration › View

The process of transpiration in plants helps in:

A. Opening of stomata

B. Absorption of CO2 from atmosphere

C. Upward conduction of water and minerals

D. Absorption of O2 from atmosphere