Medical Quiz

Cancer (Bio II) Quiz

Which of the following is a way that your body defends itself against cancer?

A. proto-oncogenes & tumor suppressor genes

B. DNA repair system

C. apoptosis 


Select your answer:


Immunology IBD Foot Orthosis Vocab Sarcomere Anatomy The Skeletal System Pulmonary System My Teeth Entomology Cardiorespiratory System Muscoskeletal Injuries Limitation of Senses Heterotrophic Nutrition Disease, Illness and Sickness Genes, Genomes & Alleles Bacteria & Viruses Biological Molecules

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A. 32

B. 16

C. 20

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A stationary blood clot along the wall of a blood vessel, frequently causing vascular obstruction.

A. thrombus

B. valvulitis

C. septicemia

D. transfusion reaction