Medical Quiz

Immunology IBD Quiz

Which of the following phases of Immune Response is not achieved in IBD?

A. Cognitive phase

B. Activation phase

C. Effector phase

D. Normalization phase

Select your answer:


Vitals ICU Cell and Tissue The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics Skin Appendages Respiration Asexual/Sexual Reproduction Humanistic and Biological Psychology DNA Dementia Hormones Non-Communicable Disease Infant Nutrition Diabetes Pathophysiology Central Nervous System

Other quiz:

Blood › View

Why is the Red Blood Cells color red?

A. because of hemoglobin

B. because of protein

C. because of blood

D. because of erythrocytes

Pathology of Respiratory System › View

Which of the following respiratory diseases refer to a chronic lung conditions that limit the ability of a person’s lungs to expand during inhalation?

A. Obstructive

B. Restrictive

C. Vascular

D. Infectious