What were the treatment arms, and their duration, for the UNITI-1 and UNITI-2 induction studies?
A. Ustekinumab ~6 mg/kg or 130 mg, versus adalimumab over a 12-week period
B. Ustekinumab ~3 mg/kg or 220 mg versus vedolizumab over an 8-week period
C. Ustekinumab ~6 mg/kg or 130 mg, versus placebo over an 8-week period
D. Ustekinumab ~4 mg/kg versus adalimumab and placebo over a 12-week period
Select your answer:
Thyroid Gland Population Ecology Carbohydrates General Anatomy Bacterial Growth Patho_Genetics Beneath the Skin Meiosis and intro to Genetics Muscular System Movements Renal System - Pharmacology Doctor Equipments Surgical & Complementary Terms Microbes The Human Body Nervous / Sensory SystemOther quiz:
Skeletal System › ViewHow many bones the skull composed?
A. 26
B. 27
C. 28
D. 29
Healthcare Systems and Insurance › View
Those who pay the health care system, ex., the insurance companies and the government.
A. Payor
B. purchaser
C. provider
D. patient