Medical Quiz

Hemodynamic Disorder Quiz

Pulmonary edema is aka

A. local

B. generalized

C. anasarca

D. pleural effusion

Select your answer:


The Vascular System and Blood Flow Transplantation Immunology Physical Pharmacy Food Microbiology Digestion Adaptive Immune System Biological Molecules and Enzymes DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Sources Of Food Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Metabolism Carbohydrate Metabolism Major Internal Organs of the Body Cells & Body Systems Health and The Environment

Other quiz:

Nervous / Sensory System › View

The blind spot is created by the

A. retina

B. optic nerve leaving the eye through the retina

C. nothing; we don’t have one

Brain and Nervous System › View

Which of the following statements is correct?

A. The brain at birth weighs about 2 kilograms, has four protective features and is small in size in proportion to our body.

B. The brain has deep wrinkles, sends thousands of messages a second and has 6 lobes.

C. he brain has 4 lobes, a left and right hemisphere and an adult human brain weighs about 1.5 kilograms.

D. The brain has a protective layer called the meninges, it is smooth and all messages are sent through the occipital lobe.