Medical Quiz

Blood Pathology Quiz

RBC’s with large, white, donut holes due to lack of hemoglobin; deficiency of stored iron; has microcytic RBCs. (Look at left One)

A. Polycythemia Vera

B. Sickle-cell Anemia

C. Iron Deficiency Anemia

D. Eosinophilia

E. Infectious Mononucleosis

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular System Physiology Pathology Blood types and Blood Components Muscle Tissue Types of Reproduction Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Immunity Human Body and Pathogens Circulatory & Respiratory System Virus, Bacteria, Immunity The Cell Cycle Disease Corona Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids Hematology Acute Leukemias

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What is the part of the cell that produces energy from oxygen?

A. The stomach

B. Nucleus

C. Golgi aparatus

D. Mitochondria

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The _________ PUMPS blood to the lungs.

A. Right Atrium

B. Right Ventricle

C. Left Atrium

D. Left Ventricle