what do synergy patterns entail
A. stereotyped sets of movements that occur in response to a stimulus / voluntary movement that involved pathology of muscle tone that affects joint positions after neurological damage
B. The breakdown of the primary motor cortex
C. Include our gait pattern and how we balance using our cerebellum
Select your answer:
HNBS Intern Diseases of The Body Systems Human Organs Hele Skeletal System DNA Structure and Function Cell Cycle; Cancer Pulmonology/Respiratory Intravenous Fluid Therapy Dermatology Eye Body Fluids Haematology Enzymes and Digestion Introduction to Kinesiology Muscularskeletal SystemOther quiz:
Medicine Clinics › ViewRegarding Malaria, false statement is
A. A malarial attack or paroxysm consists of initial shaking chills, high grade fever and generalized diaphoresis, followed by resolution of fever
B. Diagnostic is visualization of parasite in thick and thin blood smears
C. Recrudescences in Falciparum malaria arise from persisting liver stage forms called hypnozoites
D. Treatment option of uncomplicated vivax malaria is Chloroquine
Skull › View
Which bone is highlighted in this image? (Hint: Butterfly shape)
A. Sphenoid Bone
B. Ethmoid Bone
C. Zygomatic Bone
D. Temporal Bone