Medical Quiz

Pathology - Chronic Inflammation Quiz

There are 3 stages of wound healing. During inflammation, haemostasis occurs and macrophages remove dead tissue and exudate. During proliferation, the space is filled with granulation tissue, which…

A. Bleeds easily

B. Pink/red, granulated colour

C. Is a mixture of blood vessels and fibroblasts

D. Forms when the fibroblasts and endothelial cells migrate though the fibrin gell

E. All above are true

Select your answer:


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Inelasticity of the lungs due to chronic inflammation and scarring of the lung tissue:

A. pleuritis/pleurisy

B. pneumothorax

C. pneumonia

D. emphysema

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Which is one reason that trash and litter can hurt wildlife?
A. Wildlife are afraid of human garbage.
B. Trash covers the scent of other animals they are hunting.
C. Wildlife may try to eat plastics and choke on them.
D. Trash and litter removes their camouflage.