Medical Quiz

Circulatory System and Nutrition Quiz

When looking at the heart, which side is the right?

A. my right

B. my left

C. at the apex

D. at the base

Select your answer:


Vet Terminology The Brain Our Control Center Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Circulatory and Respiratory System Nervous / Sensory System Inheritance Hair Evidence Trichology Conjunctivita Cell Structure and Function Concept Diseases Communicable or non Communicable DNA Excretion in Humans Inflammation and Tissue Repair Homeostasis and Disease

Other quiz:

The Human Body › View

Which of the following is not an organ of the human body?

A. gallbladder

B. mitochondrium

C. pituitary

D. cerebellum

Lipids › View

Why is fat an important part of our diet?

A. Because it tastes good

B. Because it carries so much energy

C. Because it contains nutrients you can’t get from anything else

D. Because it contain oxygen atoms