For the past 8 months, Susan has had persistent and excessive bouts of anxiety. She is really anxious a lot of the time, but the reason for her anxiety is not something specific. What is she probably suffering from?
A. Social Phobia
B. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
C. A Specific Phobia
D. Obsessive-compulsive Disorder
Select your answer:
Anxiety Disorders Upper Limb Dental Caries Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions The Respiratory System Introduction to Mycology Life Cycle - Bee Skin Structure and Growth Mitosis for Mya Food Lipids Embryology Bonding and the Periodic Table Neurons Doctor EquipmentsOther quiz:
Stroke › ViewWhat fraction of people will experience a stroke at some point in their lives
A. one out of six
B. one out of five
C. one out of eight
D. one out of four
Respiratory and Urinary › View
Before the kidney filter it out, where does urea exist?
A. In your intestines
B. In your liver
C. In your stomach
D. In your bloodstream