Medical Quiz

Cardiovascular System Quiz

The average body temperature is approximately:

A. 36.5 degrees Celsius

B. 37 degrees Celsius

C. 37.5 degrees Celsius

D. 38 degrees Celsius

Select your answer:


Measles and Hib Diabetes PHE Macro and Micro Nutrients BIOMEDICAL MCQ PHYSIOLOGY OF KIDNEY Physiology Reproduction in Human Beings Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Medical Vocabulary The Human Body Microbio (Viruses) Anatomy & Physiology Cardiovascular Movement

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Muscle Tissues › View

—————– muscle is multinucleated whereas—————- muscle is branched.

A. Striated, Cardiac

B. Cardiac, Striated

C. Unstriated, Striated

D. Cardiac, Unstriated

Pathology of Respiratory System › View

Difficulty in breathing which progressively worsens over time usually due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

A. influenza

B. pneumonia

C. dyspnea

D. tuberculosis