Medical Quiz

Immunology Quiz

Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Acquired immunity is not specific

B. Innate immune response is enhanced after repeated exposure

C. Adaptive immunity response is immediate

D. Adaptive immunity produces memory cells

Select your answer:


Personal Growth Plan Receptors DNA Replication Cardiovascular System Terminology Pathology Endocrine Nervous System Functioning Doctor Equipments Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow Excretory and Musculoskeletal System Kidney - Loop of Henlé Bones, Joints and Muscles Respiration Anatomy and Physiology Health Unit Coordinating Chemistry Blood Pressure

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Environment › View

Oxidation of sulfure to sulphate is carried out by:A.B.C.D.

A. Aspergillus spp

B. Azotobacter spp

C. Bacillus spp

D. Thiobacillus spp

Liveability › View

What about Perth’s climate makes it liveable?

A. It experiences extreme colds in winter and extreme heat in summer which balances everything out.

B. Its average temperature is tolerable even though it receives little rainfall all year.

C. It experiences high temperatures year round.

D. Its average temperature is tolerable and it receives a decent amount of rain.