Medical Quiz

Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Quiz

It is a type of surgery where a damaged joint is taken out of the body and is replaced by an artificial joint.

A. neuromuscular therapy

B. specialty

C. Alzheimer’s disease

D. joint replacement

Select your answer:


Human Digestive System Viruses and Prions Circulatory System and Nutrition Illnesses and Diseases in Caregiving Pharmacology Essential Nutrients Renal, Cancer, HIV Name that Pathogen Human Physiology Dermatosis Infection Central and Peripheral Nervous System EKG Medical Term Cardiopulmonary Vitamins

Other quiz:

Body System › View

What function do the endocrine system and nervous system have in common?

A. Both relay messages to cells throughout the body.

B. Both produce electrical signals that are carried by neurons

C. Both produce hormones which are chemical messengers

D. both remove wastes and toxins from the body

Health › View

Encouraging other people to live healthy lives is called

A. Risk

B. Influences

C. Communication

D. Advocate