Medical Quiz

Mechanical Digestion Quiz

what process did teeth carries out?

A. absorption

B. assimilation

C. mechanical digestion

D. chemical digestion

Select your answer:


Circulatory and Nervous System The Circulatory System Nutrition In Animal Gene Cloning Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Renal Digestive System Medical Terminology Leaves Eczema Types of Immunity Germs & Diseases Hemodynamic Disorder Animal Genetics and Nutrition Disease Prevention Principle of Health Science

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Flap of tissue that covers the opening to the windpipe during swallowing

A. Pharynx

B. Trachea

C. Epiglottis

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Health related fitness measures a person’s ability to perform physical activities that require which of the following?

A. Endurance, body composition, and heart rate

B. Strength, body composition, and resistance

C. Endurance, strength, and flexibility

D. Fat, muscle, and bone