Medical Quiz

Cardiopulmonary Quiz

A physical therapist assistant working in an outpatient clinic has been assigned a group exercise program with patients in phase III of their cardiac rehabilitation program. For this phase of rehabilitation, which of the following interventions is MOST appropriate?

A. Resistance exercises using less than 15 pounds when in a sitting position

B. Slowly performing active range of motion activities of the upper and lower extremities

C. Walking on a treadmill at 2 mph

D. Running on a treadmill at 5 mph

Select your answer:


Excretion Human Physiology Bacteriology Molecular Genetics Integrated Science Health-Wellness-Illness Children Well-being Body Fluids Genetic Engineering Pathogens Tib/Fib, Knee and Femur Central Nervous System Corona Surgical tech-safety Weight Management The Circulatory System

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A. Vasodilation

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When kicking a football the knee

A. Flexes

B. Extends

C. Abducts

D. Adducts