Medical Quiz

Thyroid Gland Quiz

Why do thyroid hormones affect every cells in the body ?

A. Thyroid hormones don’t affect every cells

B. They don’t need thyroid hormones

C. They need energy to survive

D. None of these above

Select your answer:


The Musculoskeletal System Skeleton and Muscles Mycology Circulatory System and Nutrition Central Nervous System Mental Health Brain and Nervous System Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Shoulder Circulatory & Respiratory Immunology IBD Cell Cycle Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Skin Structure, Growth & Nutrition Surgical Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Oronasal Suctioning › View

You are now going to suction the client’s secretions. What are you going to do?

A. open the port

B. occlude the port

C. semi occlude the port

D. pinch the nose of the client

Vet Terminology › View


A. Heart rate

B. History

C. Three times daily

D. Subcutaneous