Medical Quiz

Diseases and Preventions Quiz

Something that causes the body not to work normally.

A. Disease

B. A mask

C. Medicine

D. Sneezing

Select your answer:


Anatomical Terminology Eye Physiology Eczema Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics HNBS Intern Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal System A&P Musculoskeletal Anatomy Bones CP A&P: Cardiovascular Cell Bio Medicinal use of Microorganisims Type 1 Diabetes DNA, RNA, Proteins Economic importance of Bacteria Heart Vocab and Blood Flow Pathway

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Which best describes the impact that the Human Genome Project (HGP) has had on society?

A. It has helped scientists determine that certain genes can cause diseases

B. It has led to discrimination against genetically flawed individuals

C. It has led to the appearance of new diseases

D. It has cost society billions of dollars without any major benefits

Oxygenation › View

Nurse Domenick knows that in absorption atelectasis which of the following occurs when there is administration of high concentration of oxygen?

A. Nitrogen is diluted and replaced with oxygen

B. Carbon dioxide is concentrated

C. Oxygen is concentrated in the alveoli

D. Nitrogen is concentrated in the alveoli