Medical Quiz

Muscoskeletal System Quiz

The branch of biology that deals with the study of the structure of the body of humans or animals?

A. anatomy

B. botany

C. neurology

D. physiology

Select your answer:


Lifetime Wellness Human Anatomy Gastroenterology The Blood Trichology Essential Nutrients Dermatology Genetics and Censorship Biological Molecules Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Measles and Hib Psychology Intravenous Fluid Therapy Carbohydrate Metabolism Cardiac & Diseases of Blood Flow

Other quiz:

Movement › View

Where are blood cells made?

A. Stomach

B. Pancreas

C. Bone Marrow

D. Feet

Cell Diversity - Organization, Tissues, Plants and Animals › View

In plants, the dermal tissue has the role of?

A. Transporting materials

B. Protection

C. Sending Signals

D. Making the plant look green.