Medical Quiz

Microbiology Quiz

Infection with enteroviruses, such as rotavirus and cytomegalovirus, has been implicated in the onset of type I diabetes. This area of research involves the study of ______.

A. forbidden clones

B. sequestered antigens

C. molecular mimicry

D. the gut microbiome

Select your answer:


Respiratory Acidosis Cardiovascular System Terminology Human Organ System Gene Cloning Systematic Bacteriology Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Microbiology Muscle & Nerve Tissue Nephrology (Hemodialysis) Type 1 Diabetes Human Genome and Bioethics Review Circulatory & Lymphatic Diseases Heterotrophic Nutrition Fish Health Management

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The breaking of fat into small globules is

A. digestion

B. ingestion

C. emulsification

D. egestion

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What is the largest organ of the body?

A. heart

B. lungs

C. skin

D. spine