★ Respiratory System Med Term Quiz
You have a horrible sore throat (inflammation) of the larynx and the pharynx
A. laryngitis
B. pharryngitis
C. laryngopharyngitis
D. tracheolaryngitis
Select your answer:
Degeneration Pathology Counseling: Fact or Myth? Paeds Edema Physiology Factors Affecting Health Diseases of The Nervous System Molecular Biology First Aid Check up Medication Administration Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Physical Pharmacy Blood and Bones Health Care Vocabulary - Health Asexual ReproductionOther quiz:
Ear/Eye Medical Terms › Viewinstrument for visual examination of the tympanic membrane (ear drum)
A. otoscope
B. laryngoscope
C. myringoscope
D. otitis media
Cardiology Services Med Terms › View
The root word aort/o refers to which structure of the heart?
A. aorta
B. atrium
C. arterioles