After taking Standard Precautions, exposing the area, and controlling any external bleeding, the next step in immobilizing a long-bone fracture is:
A. assessing distall PMS
B. applying manual traction
C. measuring the splint
D. applying the splint
Select your answer:
Health Systems ADVBIO Genetics Bones, Joints and Muscles Ortho Infectious Disease Liveability Bone, Spine, and Joint Pathology Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology Microbial Growth & Nutrition EM Spectrum Vaccines Biotherapeutics & Cellular Meat Muscles and Movements Food Microbiology Multicellular Organisms Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Laser in MedicineOther quiz:
Excretory System › ViewUnder normal conditions, which of the following substances is found in urine?
A. blood cells
B. urea
C. glucose
D. protein
Histology › View
The gingival fibers that maintain the tooth in the appropriate space are called?
A. Transseptal
B. Horizontal
C. Circumferential
D. Free gingival
E. None of the above