Medical Quiz

Food Quiz

Which of the following gives eggs?

A. Duck

B. Cow

C. Goat

D. Donkey

Select your answer:


Nucleic Acids Upper Limb Hospital Unit Skin Child Development Urinary System and Fluid Balance Weight Management Vision and Hearing Defects Smoking Related Diseases Population Ecology Hemodynamic Disorder Arteries Molecular Genetics Carbohydrates Immune System

Other quiz:

Cell Bio › View

A phospholipid bilayer…

A. is a fluid mosaic

B. is semi-permeable

C. lets small / non-polar molecules through

D. all of the above

The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics › View

Blood flows through the blood vessels because of the _________

A. establishment of a concentration gradient.

B. elastic recoil of the veins.

C. establishment of a pressure gradient.

D. viscosity of the blood.