Medical Quiz

Bonding and the Periodic Table Quiz

What gas was used to fill the Hindenburg airship?

A. Helium

B. Hydrogen

C. Oxygen

D. Nitrogen

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular System Anatomy Human Eye and Colourful World Fad Diets Cardiovascular and Respiratory Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Blood Pathology Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Digestion and Microbes Cell Biology & Biotechnology Health and Hygiene Thyroid Gland Prehabilitation and Conditioning Biochemistry Foodborne Illness Joints in our Body

Other quiz:

Shoulder › View

An athlete comes up to you and tells you that he was lifting a very heavy weight, and heard a loud snap. Upon evaluation, you notice that there is a bulge in the middle of his anterior humerus and he has weakness in elbow and shoulder flexion. What pathology might this athlete have suffered?

A. Triceps brachii rupture

B. Pectoralis major rupture

C. Rotator cuff rupture

D. Biceps brachii rupture

Respiratory and Urinary › View

Two short tubes that carry air into the lungs

A. Trachea

B. Bronchioles

C. Lungs

D. Bronchi