Medical Quiz

First Aid Check up Quiz

You should obtain consent before doing a Head to Toe Check



Select your answer:


Integumentary System EMR - Trauma PHE Vascular How the Eyes work Lifetime Wellness Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Burns and Skin Cancer Stimuli and Responses in Humans Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Iron Kinetics Pollution Thyroid Disease Circulatory System Structures and Functions of Living Organisms and Genetics

Other quiz:

Microorganisms, Health and Diseases › View

Milk is pasteurized at a temperature of

A. 30 degree Celsius

B. 60 degree Celsius

C. 80 degree Celsius

Human Body Systems › View

It is your body’s central framework.  It consists of bones and connective tissue, including cartilage, tendons and ligaments.

A. skeletal system

B. muscular system

C. musculoskeletal system

D. reproductive system