There are many vitamins and minerals needed to maintain a healthy body. What is the best way for a person to get all of the vitamins and minerals that are needed?
A. Eat a variety of healthy foods.
B. Drink a lot of water.
C. Eat only vegetables.
D. Exercise everyday.
Select your answer:
Arteries Wellness & Influences Plasmid HCMA - Hematology Plant Biotechnology Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Living Organisms Hematology Lab Values Microbial Growth & Nutrition Principle of Health Science Health and Social Care Viruses Human Body Health issue related to immune system Molecular BiologyOther quiz:
Molecular Biology › Viewa substance such as a fat, a protein, or a carbohydrate that a living thing needs to survive
A. nutrients
B. calorie
C. vitamins
D. minerals
T Cells › View
Explain memory cells?
A. for rapid response to re-exposure
B. cell-mediated immunity or humoral response