Medical Quiz

Skeletal System Vocabulary Quiz

Healthcare profession that treats malalignment of the spine

A. nurse

B. chiropractor

C. athletic trainer


Select your answer:


Gastroenterology Nursing Pancreas Cell Theory and Cellular Structure Respiratory System Med Term Body Structures and Organ Systems PHE Healthy Lifestyle Human Anatomy and Physiology - Types of Tissues Musculoskeletal - Clinical Inherited & Acquired Traits Homeostasis - Vision Correction Blood Pressure Cardiovascular Nursing Muscularskeletal System Functional Anatomy in Track & Field Lung & Breathing

Other quiz:

Histology HS › View

The difference between yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow is:

A. Absence of developing blood cells and development of adipose tissue

B. Absence of adipose cells

C. Strong development of reticular tissue

D. Presence of developing blood cells

E. Presence of epithelial cells

Vascular Surgery › View

Viable Bowel length required to prevent short gut syndrome

A. 500 cm small bowel including ascending colon

B. 400 cm length of small bowel

C. 180cms of small bowel bowel with 2/3 of ileum

D. 800cms of both small and large bowel