Medical Quiz

Bacteria & Viruses Quiz

If scientists engineer the DNA of tomatoes to make them survive in cold temperatures, what do those tomatoes become?

A. Human Genome Project

B. Genetically Modified Organisms

C. Punnett Squares

D. Gene Therapy

Select your answer:


Cariology Inner Ear Neuroanatomy Musculoskeletal Disorders My Teeth Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Infectious Disease and Pathogens EMS Systems Receptors Bacteria & Viruses SPED Law-lympics Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Diagnostics and Pathology Reports Cells, Tissues and Organs Integumentary System Neuroanatomy & Physiology

Other quiz:

Types of Reproduction › View

Which of the following would produce the most variety offspring when compared to the parent organism?

A. Cutting a portion of a potato that contains an eye or bud and planting it in a vegetable garden

B. Yeast producing a bud that falls off and forms an offspring yeast.

C. A bee that cross-pollinates flowers in several fields

D. A starfish regenerating a new limb

The Respiratory System › View

What type of cells carry oxygen?

A. red blood cells

B. white blood cells

C. neurons