Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

Which of the following statements about H zones and I bands is TRUE?
A. the H zones contain only actin, while the I bands contain only myosin
B. the H zones contain only myosin, while the I bands contain both actin and myosin
C. the H zones contain only myosin, while the I bands contain only actin
D. the H zones and the I bands each contain both actin and myosin

Select your answer:


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A. HR/BP/RR/Temperature

B. Diaphoresis vs. dry skin

C. Pupils

D. Bowel sounds

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What is the role of the parasympathetic nervous system in the lungs?

A. Regulate heart rate

B. Cause bronchoconstriction

C. Control digestion

D. Stimulate bronchodilation