Medical Quiz

Life Processes Quiz

Whats the main function of the lymphatic system?

A. removes extra fluid from tissues and returns it to the blood stream

B. cleans the body

C. takes fluid from capillaries

Select your answer:


Body Fluids and Blood Cells Integumentary and Musculoskeletal Systems Cell Injury Bone Development and Remodeling Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Healthcare Careers Muscoskeletal System Human Muscle Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) HFT Vitamins Stress and Mental Health BMI (Body Mass Index) Plant Biotechnology Ankle Injuries Multicellular Organisms

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Which smoking related disease causes the airways to become narrower?

A. Lung cancer

B. Bronchitis

C. Emphysema

D. Heart disease

Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria › View

A plasmid is

A. A type of bacteria

B. a type of archaea

C. A small ring of DNA

D. A virus