Medical Quiz

Psychology Quiz

A relatively psychologically active type of sleep when most of a person’s dreaming takes place; voluntary muscles are inhibited, making the person move very little.

A. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep

B. Non-REM Sleep

Select your answer:


Dermatology Blood & Blood Vessels Hospitality Body Structures and Organ Systems Dimensions of Wellness Anatomy Muscles Renal System - Pharmacology The Energy Nutrients Micro Immunology Pathology of Respiratory System RDA Dental Caries Forensic Pathology Urinary System, Fluid, Electrolyte and ph Balance Human Muscle Anatomy - Muscle Histology/NMJ/Physiology

Other quiz:

Oxygenation › View

Nurse Ron is conducting a Pulmonary Function Test to a patient with Oxygenation problem. Nurse Ron knows that which of the following pulmonary function test is viewed to assess if there is an obstruction in the smallest airways?

A. Forced expiratory flow

B. Forced midexpiratory flow

C. Forced end expiratory flow

D. Maximal voluntary ventilation

Medical Microbiology › View

Medical microbiology teaching is generally done at high schools and middle schools.