Medical Quiz

Diet Quiz

Which one of the following states why an endurance athlete would use carbohydrate loading?

A. To build strength

B. To repair damaged body tissue after injury

C. To increase energy stores

D. To lose weight

Select your answer:


Radiology Infection Control Fad Diets Molecular Genetics Philosophy DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Hospital Unit Microrganisms Health and Wellness Schizophrenia Hematology Biomedical Cardiovascular Adaptation Refresher Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates Circulatory and Nervous System Contemporary Nutrition Issues

Other quiz:

Muscle System › View

_______ system

A. Muscular

B. Skeletal

C. Bone

D. Circulatory

Cell Cycle; Cancer › View

A disease that results from DNA being damaged and is characterized by uncontrolled cell growth

A. Diabetes

B. Cancer

C. Sickle cell anemia

D. None of these