Medical Quiz

Musculoskeletal System Quiz

If your patient were to fracture his leg in such a way that bone is breaking or piercing the skin, what is the most important thing to consider?

A. Preventing dehydration

B. Preventing infection

C. Preventing low blood pressure

D. Preventing paralysis

Select your answer:


Patient-Centered Endocrinology Personal Growth Plan Cell Vocabulary Physical Education and Health Perioperative Nursing Care Fish Health Management Infectious Diseases & the WHO Diseases and Preventions Mycology Biological Organisms Classification Composition Of Human Blood Health and Hygiene Reproduction in Human Beings Organization of Systems Antimicrobial Pharmacology

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Multicellular Organisms: Organisation › View

A group of cells with similar structures is called an/a

A. organ

B. organism

C. organ structure

D. functional unit

E. tissue

Introduction to Mycology › View

which of the following is NOT a fungi

A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

B. Cryptococus neoformans

C. Plasmodium gambae

D. Penicillium notatum