Medical Quiz

Disorders of The Joints Quiz

Which bone is NOT included in the wrist joint?

A. radius

B. ulna

C. none of the above

Select your answer:


Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Anxiety Disorders Skeletal System Forensics: Blood Endodontic Surgery Urinary System and Fluid Balance Excretion Vitamins and Minerals Respiration Blood and Hematology Enzyme Inherited & Acquired Traits Ankle Injuries Properties of Hair and Scalp

Other quiz:

Microorganism - Diseases › View

A person produces antibodies to influenza after vaccination. This is an example of:

A. Natural (passive) immunity

B. Natural (active) immunity

C. Artificial (passive) immunity

D. Artificial (active) immunity

Digestive System › View

Where are the kidneys located?

A. Small of the back

B. Below the lungs

C. Above the stomach

D. In the neck