Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

What is the outermost layer of the cerebrum?

A. Cerebral Cortex

B. Hippocampus

C. Forebrain

D. Cerebellum Cortex

Select your answer:


Oral Surgery Cells Anatomy and Physiology- Cardiovascular Sysytem Transportation and Excretion Reproduction Latin & Greek in Medicine Medicine on the Western Front Disease Prevention Pulmonary System Cardiovascular Med Terms Diseases Communicable or non Communicable Nutritional Trivia The Cell Diabetes Mellitus Skin Growth

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What is the MINIMUM dose of atropine for pediatric stable bradycardia?

A. 0.5 mg

B. 0.1 mg

C. 1 mg

D. 0.25 mg

E. 0.5 mg/kg

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Cholecystokinin (CCK) inhibits

A. gastric emptying

B. pancreatic HCO3– secretion

C. pancreatic enzyme secretion

D. contraction of the gallbladder