Medical Quiz

Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Quiz

A benign tumor of fatty tissue found just below the skin

A. Sarcoma

B. Melanoma

C. Lipoma

D. Lymphoma

Select your answer:


Cardiovascular and Respiratory Auditory and Vestibular Neurology Biochemistry Lab Oncology Anatomical Terminology Lifestyle Diseases Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Homeostasis Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Proteins Circulatory & Respiratory Special Senses Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Cytology and Histology Sports Medicine

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What part of blood is 90% water?

A. White blood cells

B. Red blood cells

C. Platelets

D. Plasma

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Tissue transplanted from one body site on a patient to a different body site on that patient is called a(n) _____

A. autograft

B. xenograft

C. hypograft

D. allograft