Medical Quiz

Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Quiz

A group of disorders that destroy blood vessels by inflammation. Both arteries and veins are affected

A. Phlebitis

B. Thrombosis

C. Vasculitis

D. Arteriolitis

Select your answer:


Immunity & Cancer Brain/Neuron Anatomy Hospital Wards and Departments Personal Growth Plan Disease and Immunity Human Organs Conjunctivita Human Genome and Bioethics Review Introduction to Pharmacology Heart Structure and Double Circulation Eye Physiology Mycology Disease, Illness and Sickness Medical Suffixes Infectious Disease and Pathogens

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crystal violet during gram staining of bacteria is retained in ?

A. gram positive

B. gram negative

C. ziehl neelson stain

D. none of the above

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You are in situation ready to hit, what should you do ?

A. Raise arm until hands are ear level

B. Raise arm

C. Raise hand