Medical Quiz

Kidney - Loop of Henlé Quiz

The pigments that give urine its yellow or amber color are derived from

A. salt

B. urea

C. bile and hemoglobin molecules

D. plasma proteins

Select your answer:


Surgical tech-safety Obesity Radiology Infection Control Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Germs & Diseases Cariology Psychopathology Trichology Blood and Hematology Dentistry DNA & Types of Reproduction Therapeutic Services Roots DNA Replication Linked Gene

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Countercurrent mechanism to maintain the concentration gradient in the medullary interstitium. This special arrangement occurs in:-

A. PCT and capillary net

B. DCT and PCT

C. Henle’s loop and vasa recta

D. PCT and collecting duct

Skeletal Muscle Anatomy › View

Which is the largest?

A. fascicle

B. muscle fiber

C. muscle

D. myofilament