Medical Quiz

Infectious Diseases & the WHO Quiz

Which virus kills more people than any other annually and over time?

A. Black Plague

B. Covid

C. Flu

D. Malaria

Select your answer:


Infectious Diseases Muscular Consciousness and Sleep Muscle Histology Renal System - Pharmacology Diseases of The Digestive System Sensory System Key Terms Cell Review Anatomy and Physiology Medical Microbiology Pulmonary Edema and CHF Type 1 Diabetes Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Immunisation Herd Immunity

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Medical doctors trained to handle particular kinds of patients or medical conditions.

A. health consumer

B. primary care physician

C. specialist

D. consumer advocates

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How long is the kidney?

A. 4-5 inches

B. 5-6 inches

C. 6-8 inches