Medical Quiz

Eye and Ear Quiz

What part of the eye controls how much light enters the black hole (pupil) in the center of the eye?

A. optic nerve

B. pupil

C. cornea

D. iris

Select your answer:


Oral Hygiene Biochemistry Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Urinary System and Fluid Balance Kinetics Regulating the Cell Cycle The nervous system & brain Cell A&P Musculoskeletal Eyes and Hearing Vision Genetics and Probability Joints & Movement Respiratory Hemodynamic Disorder

Other quiz:

Pathogens, Disease and Immunity › View

Which of the following statements is TRUE about someone’s immune system that has allergies?

A. Body cells are dividing at an uncontrolled rate.

B. The body is reacting to foreign antigens that are not dangerous to most people.

C. T cells and B cells in the body cannot be activated.

D. The body is mistaking its own cells for foreign antigens.

Respiratory and Urinary › View

Both males and females have the a urinary system with the same organs. True or False?