Medical Quiz

Urinary Quiz

Which stage of urine production involves adding ammonia, uric acid, and other waste substances directly into the renal tubule?

A. reabsorption

B. filtration

C. secretion

D. excretion

Select your answer:


Beneath the Skin Human Reproduction Integumentary System Medical Terminology Specialties: Neurological and Geriatric Cell Structure and Functions Human Eye and Colorful World Circulation of Blood Blood Pathology -ology Bacteria & Viruses Genetic Engineering Herd Immunity Genetics and Censorship Essential Nutrients DNA and RNA Structures

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B. Hershey and Chase

C. Watson and Crick

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Continuous adminstration of a GnRH agonist causes

A. Increased secretion of FSH & LH

B. Reduced secretion of FSH & LH

C. Initial increase in secretion of FSH & LH, followed by decline

D. Ovarian hyperstimulation