Medical Quiz

Injury Quiz

Injury where muscles on the front of the tibia swell due to overuse and cause pressure to connective tissue 

A. compartment syndrome

B. medial tibial stress syndrome

C. halux valgus 

D. hammer toe

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Cardiology Polio Blood and Bones Gastroenterology Malaria Bone Physiology Meiosis and intro to Genetics Cancer (Bio II) DNA Replication Brain and Nervous System Principles of Microbiology Dementia Healthy Foundations Visual Impairment Healthcare Careers

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The nervous system & brain › View

George is undergoing brain surgery to remove a tumour. The surgeon applies electrical stimulation to various areas around the tumour, causing George to report tingling sensations in various areas of his skin. The tumour is most likely in which lobe of George’s brain?

A. frontal

B. temporal

C. parietal

D. occipital

Digestion › View

The chewing and grinding of food into smaller pieces is an example of…
A. Mechanical Digestion
B. Chemical Digestion